Publications Policy
Papers written on work described in the SHIP grant application should be sent to the SHIP Scientific Management Group (SMG) via the SHIP Manager at least seven days before submission for publication.
This is to ensure the paper will not bring the programme or future work into disrepute, to review fairness of authorship and to identify relatedness with other papers published or in preparation. The SMG will respond by email within seven days.
Although the SMG may provide advice to authors, the process is not intended as formal peer review. For primary papers relating to the core packages of SHIP authorship might be in the style of, "By person a, person b and person c on behalf of the Scottish Health Informatics Programme.
All papers derived from SHIP funding must acknowledge the Wellcome Trust as the funder with the following words: "This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust through the Scottish Health Informatics Programme (SHIP) Grant (Ref WT086113). SHIP is a collaboration between the Universities of Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow and St Andrews and the Information Services Division of NHS Scotland."
Collaborators are to inform the Programme Manager when a paper is accepted so that publicity can be co-ordinated with all partners and the Wellcome Trust. Collaborators should supply an electronic copy of the final published version.
The authors are responsible for ensuring that the public has unrestricted access to their published output as per Wellcome Trust stipulations. (Please see the Wellcome Trust website).
Abstracts for presentation at conferences or meetings should also be sent to the SHIP Manager prior to submission.